Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Oh, what a joyous moment!

I couldn't have asked for a better moment!
My children have been working hard on units/ tens/ hundreds/ thousands ( the decimal system). I am delighted that they have understood their place values very well. Some also have great number writing skills, while others are improving and working diligently. This morning I introduced number scroll writing. They first started writing units ( ones), then tens. After they completed one decade, they had to glue another strip and so on. Seeing how their number scroll was growing longer... and longer..and eventually wider as well, especially, when they came to the hundreds, they were getting such a kick out of it.  It was delightful to see how much the students were enjoying themselves. They were completely absorbed in what they were doing! They would not stop! Periodically I would quiz them about the numbers they were writing. For example,  I would say, "You are writing 13, how many tens are there, or how many units?" It was delightful to watch them being so involved; pausing to think, and then moving on to write and glue their strips.
I just stopped for five minutes and was observing the joy, in them. This is what they all had to say:  "Oh, math is so much fun." "I do not want to stop, can we PLEASE do this every day?" "Oh, my goodness, I can't believe how long my number scroll is." " When my mom comes to pick me up, I am going to show her my math work." "Can I just go on writing my number, and not go for recess?"

What more could a teacher ask for? :)

It tied in so well because the older students were doing similar activities in math as well, at their level, outdoors. (They were doing scientific notation, measuring on the side walk.) So, when they came to invite our class to come observe them, our children were simply thrilled!


  1. Thank you for taking the time to post this, Anita.


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