Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Buddy time/ making butter

Every Wednesday Mrs. Carpenter's students come to our classroom, for an hour. It is very enriching and rewarding to see the students interacting with one another.For the older ones , this is the time when they can be the leaders, mentors, teachers and feel very confident about themselves. For the younger ones, thay are simply thrilled to do  everything with the older ones, they look up to them as their role models. We have done different activities , where the older ones have read to the younger ones. We went outdoors and explored nature, students made leaf- crowns, leaf rubbing activities. I had given a presentation about Nepal. We also went to Elaine's room and saw a video on Farming.Today to tie in with our Farm theme, the students made butter! Yes, real / fresh butter right in our classroom. Mrs. Carpenter brought some jars and buttermilk. She poured some butermilk in the jars. Students were shaking the jars and using a lot of their muscle.... and voila.. they made butter. They then  spread the butter in some crackers/ bagels and what a special treat it was.  They kept on snacking !What a neat avtivity this would be to do on a rainy day at home.

Veda enjoyed listening to the story and doing some puzzles in our classroom. Then she and Amelia went to the dining area to have their snacks.
Enjoy the pictures from " buddy time".

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