I will keep you posted :-)
We will also carry on with last month’s theme— North Africa— for a week longer because the children are really into making flags! They have been measuring, coloring, cutting and are getting ready to make something special for The Curious Epicure Dinner.
We celebrated the beginning of fall by making “Brain food cookies.”
The children measured oatmeal, brown sugar, sunflower butter, mixed it and voila! There were delicious and nutritious snacks all around!
On Friday we had set up our room a little differently with various math exploration activities. They enjoyed it thoroughly. From now on every Friday we will transform the classroom into Exploring/Discovery Centers, with Scientific Experiments, Math Exploration Centers, Language Art Centers, Social Studies, Cooking, Yoga, field trips to the library, nature walks and so on.
Please mark your calendars:
1. Wed .Oct. 13th @ 1pm trip to Tantric Farm to harvest vegetables.
2. Thurs. Oct. 15th all day trip to Howell Nature Center.
3. Fri. Oct. 16th Staff dev. Day—NO SCHOOL.
4. Sun. Oct.18th THE CURIOUS EPICURE DINNER-4-7pm.
5. Fri. Oct. 23rd @ 10:00 to Wild Swan Theatre. (Streganona & the magical pasta pot)
6. Fri. OCT. 30th Eco Fair in the morning @ school.
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